Note that if you prepay $30 or more, you'll get a 1% bonus for every $3 prepaid (up to a maximum of 50% if you prepay $150 or more). This reduces your cost to between $0.00 and $0.00 per week, in effect (a discount of 9-33%). With the maximum bonus, a cost as low as $0.00 per month would be possible for this level of usage).

Calculate your Weekly Costs
Fill out the following form to figure what your weekly cost would be with various usage levels. Typically, 1MB of disk space is used for every 15 pages in your site. Large files such as video or audio, average accumulated email, and a week of log files (1-5MB typically) should also be figured in. Outgoing traffic is typically about 1MB for every 15-20 pages downloaded. 100 visitors might consume 10-20MB of traffic, on average. Note that Content Indexing also uses at least 12MB of extra disk space.

Disk Space:
Outgoing Traffic:
Email Accounts:
POP3/Web/Forwarded (internal aliases are free)
Other Options:
FrontPage® extensions
Perl/CGI (up to 1000 hits/week)
Content Indexing
Shared SSL